3600GTO German Equatorial Mount (3600GTO)
At Dome C in Antarctica

Franck Valbousquet of Optique et Vision in France proudly displays the very first 3600GTO, that he affectionately calls the BIG ONE, just before it was shipped off to Dome C in Antarctica. Franck consults to the Laboratoire Universitaire d'Astrophysique de Nice (LUAN) in Nice, France for projects in Antarctica. The RA and Dec axes and motor drive system were produced by Astro-Physics. The polar forks and base were designed and manufactured in France to suit the observing site. Note that the mount was not painted at the request of the research team.

Although the mount was essentially manufactured and assembled in the same manner as the production mounts that followed, Franck and the team at LUAN made special preparations for it to operate in the severe cold of the Antarctic. For instance, the original grease was removed. Anyone considering a similar application must be knowledgeable about requirements for extreme conditions.
Erick Bondoux and the 3600GTO Prototype at Concordia Base during the first year. Image by Eric Aristidi. It sure looks cold during the "summer" in Antarctica! Erick Bondoux is a professionnal electronic technician on the Concordia team at Dome C. He is also a French amateur astrophotographer.
  In a later year, a full instrument package was installed. Can you find the 3600GTO under this heavy instrumentation? On July 5, 2010, we received an e-mail: "New record of temperature in Dome C -84.6 degrees C. Big One is still tracking with 150 kg scope on it". That's equivalent to -199 degrees F !!!!!!
Franck Valbousquet during one of his summers with the team at Dome C. The 1200GTO is one of several Astro-Physics 1200GTO and 900GTO mounts that have been in service since 2003. You can see another mount high on the platform in the background.









Wood is used extensively as a building material due to the extreme cold conditions. Note the 1200GTO and 900GTO mounts on raised platforms in the background. The snow piles all the way up the support structure during the "winter" months.

You are invited to return to this link for more information regarding Astro-Physics mounts operating in Antarctica and additional installations of the 3600GTO.

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This page was last modified: August 13, 2010

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