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Mechanical Improvements
A number of improvements have been incorporated into the 2004 version of the 1200GTO. Some are small; others are more significant. Here is a sample of the changes that we feel are most noteworthy. Many of them can be retrofit to earlier versions of the 1200GTO.

Pier Adapter Options

GTOCP3 Servo Motor Control Box
Although the GTOCP3 control box looks the same on the outside as the prior GTOCP2 model, the internal circuit boards have been redesigned to allow expanded functionality and provide additional protection of the circuit. The command language has been expanded to allow additional functions. As always, our command language is available to write your own program.

These functions cannot be added to the earlier GTOCP1 and GTOCP2 control boxes; they are available only in this new version. However the complete GTOCP3 control box can be purchased as an upgrade for all prior GTO mounts - 400GTO, 600EGTO, 900GTO and 1200GTO.

Purchase the GTOCP3 Control Box as an upgrade for your current GTO mount. Link contains details that you need to know.
GTOCP3 Control Box - Features and Specifications.

GTO Keypad with Keypad Protector
The keypad has also evolved in its construction and firmware features over the years since its introduction in 1998. Refer to GTOCP3 Control Box and Keypad for Servo Drive for information regarding features and specification..

These improvements have been phased in over the last couple of years. Many customers already have the current model. New keypads can be purchased as replacements and backups for all GTO mounts. Firmware
Firmware updates are available at no charge to all owners of Astro-Physics GTO mounts through an internet download. Please refer to the download area of the Technical Support section of our website.

Version 4.x
This latest release is now available to all Astro-Physics GTO mount owners. Check out the list of new features. Our thanks to Charles Sinsofsky and our beta testers for working with us to develop this program.

PulseGuide Software
PulseGuide is a stand-alone Windows (98, ME, 2000, NT4, XP only) utility that provides complete remote control of all Astro-Physics GTO mounts. It derives its name from its most distinctive feature, pulse guiding, which can improve unguided tracking. Specifically, it can help correct tracking errors caused by polar misalignment and atmospheric refraction. Additional information ...

PEMProAP Software.
PEMProAP (Periodic Error Management Professional) is a Windows software application that makes it easy to characterize and reduce periodic error. While the periodic error of your 1200GTO will be 5 arc seconds or less, you can reduce it even further to maximize performance without auto-guiding. The software is included with the 1200GTO mounts shipping in December 2004 and later. An evaluation copy will be provided to owners of mounts shipped earlier in 2004. Additional information ... ...

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This page was last modified: March 31, 2006

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